• Registration No: E / 8927 / Rajkot. FCRA No: 042050002
  • +91.281.2563231 / 2563881 / 2562891
  • Registration No: E / 8927 / Rajkot. FCRA No: 042050002
  • +91.281.2563231/2563881/2562891

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

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  • Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

Though India is developing a country, we are able to use many new technologies and equipment. But when we are looking towards the Agriculture sector we can find that number of farmers are using old traditional technologies that is why we are powerless to increase the production of crops which in turn increases the production cost. Since farmers are roots of the agriculture, they are unable to decide the cost of their own production, which is resulting in the demoralization for farmers.

Having all this in mind Navjeevan Trust Inaugurated new department in the month of December 2016 with the aim to Increase the production of crops at low cost by doing some of the activities like: Soil Testing, Scientific Training for Farmers, Organic Farming, Exposure Visits, Linkages with “Khedut Portal”, Animal Diagnoses Camps, Livestock diseases prevention & control, Awareness related Qualitative & Quantitative Milk Production, etc.

Farmer‚s Club formation become a major and significant program in the department, also milk producers capacity building and training especially for women and marginalized farmers.

Our donor and our well-wishers on Agriculture & Animal Husbandry department are:

National Bank for Agriculture And Rural Development (NABARD) is supporting for Farmer’s Club.

MAAHI Milk Producer Co. LTD. under Village Based Milk Procurement System [VBMPS] is supporting the capacity building of the Milk Producers.
